Why We Need To Talk About Digital Wellbeing

I dive into what digital wellbeing is, and why we need to be having a conversation about it now. 

In this episode, I not only explain the serious need for more digital wellness in our lives, but also dive into the future of our digital lives and the concept of wellbeing within that. 

I hope you find this episode valuable, and that it will encourage you to explore digital wellness in more depth, as it’s a topic I feel so strongly about. 


Cassie is an ex-social media strategist turned certified digital wellbeing consultant, coach and speaker. She’s on a mission to help individuals and organizations navigate the digital landscape, improve your overall wellbeing, and equip you with the tools necessary to thrive in a tech-driven future.

Learn more about Cassie: https://cassiewidders.co.uk/
Connect with Cassie on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/cassie-widders/
Follow Cassie on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cassie_widders/


Visitor Analytics Report: https://www.visitor-analytics.io/en/resources/digital-wellbeing/

University of Washington Report: https://www.washington.edu/studentlife/digital-wellness-101-sr/

A World Without Email by Cal newport: https://www.calnewport.com/books/a-world-without-email/

Citrix Report: https://www.citrix.com/solutions/digital-workspace/what-is-digital-wellness.html